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Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College-[node:field-date:custom:Y]--Timely Interventions, -Established Criteria for Interventions

Strategy/Project Description: 

Summary of Activities

In addition to the checkpoints at 30 and 90 hours described above, the College targets students who are placed on academic probation after their first semester of enrollment. To help get students back on track, ABAC places these first-year students into a special course, ABAC 1100. A one-credit-hour course taught by the Academic Support Counselors (ASCs), ABAC 1100 features both group and individual interventions, offered both face to face and online, with the express purpose of helping students improve their GPA to avoid suspension after their second semester.


Baseline Status

The percentage of students who successfully completed ABAC 1100 after their 1st semester were 141 (78%) in AY12-13, 176 (66%) in AY13-14, and 184 (65%) in AY14-15.

Of these students, 49% were placed on suspension in AY12-13, 49% were placed on suspension in AY13-14, and 59% were placed on suspension in AY14-15. 


Interim Measures of Progress

The percentages of students successfully completing ABAC 1100 who avoided suspension increased from AY12-13 to AY13-14; unfortunately the percentage declined in AY14-15.


Measures of Success

Increase the percentage of students who successfully complete ABAC 1100 after their 1st semester. 

Projected target:  78% of students in ABAC 1100 will successfully complete this course after their 1st semester.

Reduce the percentage of first-year students who are placed on academic suspension after their 2nd semester of attendance.

Projected target:  49% of students who successfully completed ABAC 1100 will be put on academic suspension.


Lessons Learned

The decrease in the percentage of students avoiding suspension after successfully completing ABAC 1100 during spring 2015 has led the ASCs to re-evaluate course methods and content. All four ASCs will be involved in course delivery and follow-up to improve the success rate of students in the course and in their overall academic performance in college.