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College of Coastal Georgia-[node:field-date:custom:Y]-Other/Undefined

Strategy/Project Description: 

The Committee on the Amalgamation of Programs and Services (CAPS) was particularly active during 2014-15.

Designed an Advisor Referral Form to identify students who are not performing satisfactorily, are exhibiting behavioral issues, have not been attending class regularly, are experiencing financial problems, or present any other circumstance that is of concern.

Established a registration task force that organized outreach to students on registering for classes, which included emails, flyers, phone calls, and presenting at meetings (Deans’ Council, Athletics and Academic Affairs).

Focused efforts on those students who had a 2.0 to 2.9 GPA with outreach, as well as increasing residential student registration rates (from 75% to 88%) by collaborating with the Office of Residence Life and Housing.

Initiated a concerted outreach effort to Camden Center students, Learning Support students, pre-nursing students, undeclared major students, and student workers was initiated with the provision of names of unregistered students to these areas to contact.

Disseminated a spring 2015 registration survey to all enrolled students to ascertain their satisfaction with overall processes and procedures related to enrollment; approximately 73% indicated satisfaction with overall registration processes and procedures.

Contributed to the development of the College’s Hispanic/Latino initiative.

Reviewed student retention rates along with determining programmatic and structural changes needed to increase these rates.

Evaluated College policies to determine if any policies may be hindering student success; results were discussed with the Academic and Scholastic Standing Committee and the Interim Vice President of Academic Affairs; and recommendations are currently being circulated through the faculty for additional feedback.

Initiated a data collection process that tracks by student type to help with better identifying targeted intervention efforts for specific audiences.