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Student engagement

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Momentum Support (Dalton State College-2023)

  1. Roadrunner Faculty Academy: This is a year-long cohort program for all new full-time faculty joining Dalton State regardless of any previous teaching experience. Monthly meetings focus on evidence-based teaching techniques centered on creating an inclusive and engaging classroom experience for all students. Several aspects of this program work to support the needs of first-year students including transparency in learning and teaching, holding equitable classroom discussions, classroom assessment techniques, use of teaching and learning technologies, and inclusive course design.

Encouraging a growth Mindset in students (Columbus State University-2023)

Academic Mindsets are the attitudes or beliefs one has about oneself

in relation to coursework. The four academic Mindsets involve the sense that students belong to an academic community, the sense that (with effort) their ability and competence can grow, the sense that they can succeed, and the sense that the academic work has value to them. In short, the four academic Mindsets involve the sense of belonging, improving, succeeding, and adding value. This initiative is to promote and encourage growth Mindsets in students and in faculty.


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