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University of West Georgia-[node:field-date:custom:Y]--Tutoring, -Flipped Classrooms

Strategy/Project Description: 

The Center for Academic Success (CAS) provides free tutoring using the peer-tutoring Supplementary Instruction model for most core courses. Supplemental Instruction is in high demand by students who are enrolled in ‘high-risk’ core courses, meaning those that usually have DFW rates at or above 30% (See Appendix Figure 1). SI Leaders (peer tutors) participate in required, ongoing training that follows the International Supplemental Instruction guidelines. Each SI Leader has previously taken the course that he or she tutors, earned an A in that course, and facilitates 2-3 collaborative, peer study sessions each week. 

A total of 61 course sections had SI sessions during the 2014-2015 academic year; of those SI offerings, eight of the top ten most requested courses for tutoring support are STEM courses (first year math, biology, and chemistry). Students who attended more SI sessions during the semester tended to earn a higher grade in the course (about one letter grade).