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College of Coastal Georgia

Equitable Access for Student Course Materials (College of Coastal Georgia-2024)

Research the possibilities of instituting inclusive textbook access – the idea that students would receive all digital course materials at a discounted rate, directly billed as part of their tuition. This model supports student academic success and retention efforts by ensuring every student is prepared on or before the first day of class.

An alternative presented by our textbook provider is branded as “equitable” access – the idea that students could pay a flat rate each semester for all course materials, print or digital.

ENDEAVOR (College of Coastal Georgia-2024)

The ENDEAVOR program helps students personalize, internalize, and later articulate their transformation beyond a credential. By awarding ENDEAVOR Tags that celebrate student development and engagement through courses and co-curricular activities, students become more aware of their own growth and are provided with the language to describe the skills they have gained. This language will give them an advantage when entering the workforce, as they will be able to describe their college experience in a way that resonates with employers.

Expanding Culturally Responsive Retention Strategies (College of Coastal Georgia-2023)

Develop and strengthen strategies that address institutional performance gaps. Strategies to consider include: the creation of 1st Gen/Pell Eligible student transition support; summer bridge programs that support traditionally underserved or underrepresented populations, with the goal of reducing institutional performance gaps.


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