The three projects identified above have resulted in greater collaboration across divisions and units, promoting more consistent communication and information sharing. Collaborative teams have also been tasked with specific projects to advance each of the activities listed above. This approach has proven purposeful and progressive because work groups are able to accomplish and mark off specific tasks that advance broader institutional goals.
Integration of High Impact Practices and Career Readiness into the curricula and student experiences that create a “Signature” experience for all students.
Program designed to prepare associate-degree seeking students for transition to a bachelor’s program.
Academic alert allows instructors teaching all course modalities to submit a referral if a student is not academically performing at the level they should be in a course. The program is designed to proactively intervene with students struggling academically earlier in the semester. The program functions within a trifecta of support programs at UNG to help students, including, Flight Support and Behavioral Intervention.
The University of North Georgia, a regional multi-campus institution and premier senior military college, provides a culture of academic excellence in a student-focused environment that includes quality education, service, research and creativity. This is accomplished through broad access to comprehensive academic and co-curricular programs that develop students into leaders for a diverse and global society. The University of North Georgia is a University System of Georgia leadership institution and is The Military College of Georgia.