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Learning Support Initiative (Georgia Highlands College-2024)

Strategy/Project Name: 
Learning Support Initiative
Momentum Area: 
Data & Communications
Strategy/Project Description: 

Learning Support Bootcamp

Evaluation/Assessment plan: 

Evaluation Plan and measures: Evaluating success for the learning support bootcamp through tracking Accuplacer test scores for students who attended the bootcamp.

KPIs: Increase the number of students that attend LS Bootcamp and successfully exempt one category of learning support.

Baseline measure (for each KPI): Learning Support is currently at 50%

Goal or targets (for each KPI): Increase students' success of those attending the LS Bootcamp and successfully exempt one category of LS by 10%.

Time period/duration: LS Bootcamp will run the full academic year (fall, spring, and summer).

Progress and Adjustments: 


  • The Learning Support (LS) Bootcamp had its last session summer 24. Due to staff changes the bootcamp will no longer be a part of the program.
  • Initial data collection has begun to track students' Accuplacer test scores before and after bootcamp participation. This data is critical for measuring the effectiveness of the bootcamp in helping students improve their scores and exempt from learning support requirements.
  • The baseline success rate remained low due to participation and was established for students exempting at least one category of learning support after attending the bootcamp.

Adjustments for a different model of the LS Bootcamp:

  • Based on early data, there may be a need to refine the curriculum or teaching methods of the bootcamp to better address specific areas where students are struggling.
  • Outreach strategies may need to be enhanced to increase student awareness and participation in the bootcamp. Many students may not fully understand the benefits or the structure of the program.
  • Evaluation of the post-bootcamp Accuplacer scores could be more granular, looking at the specific areas where students improve the most to tailor future bootcamps more effectively.
Plan for the Year Ahead: 

Steps for Improvement:

Increase Participation:

  • Implement targeted recruitment strategies for students who would most benefit from the bootcamp, such as those near the cutoff score for learning support or those with a history of low placement test scores.
  • Utilize new learning support assistance, advisors, and faculty to refer students to the bootcamp and provide encouragement.
  • Increase awareness about the bootcamp through more visible marketing (e.g., flyers, emails, social media, and word-of-mouth from previous participants).

Refine the Bootcamp Curriculum:

  • Rename and restructure the initiative
  • Use the initial data on student success (Accuplacer score improvements) to identify the areas where students are showing the most improvement or where they are struggling the most.
  • Consider adjusting the focus of the bootcamp to provide more personalized or targeted support in areas where students need it most (e.g., math, reading, or writing).
  • Faculty buy in on assisting with tutoring or providing crash session workshops on Accuplacer

Track and Analyze Data Regularly:

  • Set up a regular data collection and analysis schedule to track the progress of students who attend the bootcamp and compare their post-bootcamp scores to baseline measures.
  • Collect qualitative data through student surveys or feedback to understand their experiences and identify potential improvements.

Provide Post-Bootcamp Support:

  • Offer follow-up resources for students after the bootcamp to ensure they are continuing to build on the skills they learned and maintain the momentum gained from the program.
  • Consider a brief review or "refresher" session to help students feel prepared before retaking the Accuplacer.

Mid-Year Evaluation:

  • Conduct a mid-year assessment to determine whether the bootcamp is on track to meet the 10% increase in the exemption rate. This will allow adjustments to be made before the end of the academic year.
Challenges and Support: 


Student Motivation and Engagement:

  • One of the main challenges will be encouraging students to commit to the bootcamp. Many students may feel that they can pass the Accuplacer without additional support or may lack the motivation to attend voluntary programs.

Logistical Barriers:

  • Scheduling conflicts could limit attendance. Students with jobs or other obligations may find it difficult to participate in the bootcamp, especially if sessions are only offered at certain times.

Retention of Learning:

  • Even if students attend the bootcamp and show improvement on the Accuplacer, there's a challenge in ensuring that they retain the knowledge and skills they gained. Some students may benefit initially but struggle to apply the concepts over time.

Measurement and Evaluation:

  • Accuplacer scores alone may not fully capture the complexity of student progress. It will be important to ensure that scores are interpreted in the context of student backgrounds and learning styles to assess overall bootcamp effectiveness.

Support Needed:

System-Level Support for Data Integration:

  • It would be helpful to have a system that allows for seamless integration of data across different departments (e.g., testing, tutoring, advising) so that progress can be tracked more easily and analyzed across all levels.

Collaboration with Peer Institutions:

  • Collaborating with other institutions or organizations that have implemented similar bootcamp models could provide valuable insights and best practices for refining the program, such as strategies for increasing student engagement or improving the curriculum.

External Training for Bootcamp Instructors:

  • Training for instructors or facilitators in the specific areas of learning support (e.g., Accuplacer test preparation, study skills) can help improve the quality and consistency of the program.

By addressing these challenges and continuing to refine the program, the Learning Support Bootcamp can achieve its goal of increasing student success and improving test exemptions by 10% over the course of the academic year.

Contact email: 
Primary Contact: 
LaTascha Echols, Director of Learning Support and Tutorial Centers