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Momentum Year Inventory

This template is designed to help your institution develop a plan for fully scaling practices that better enable students to enter and complete programs of study that prepare them to succeed in further education and career advancement. This template addresses three essential principles of the Momentum Year:

  1. Purposeful Choice: structured onboarding and  advising processes to guide students’ selection of a pathway
  2. Academic Mindset: the beliefs and perceptions students have about learning
  3. Pathway/Program of Study: clearly organized academic pathways to graduation

For each of these practices, indicate how far along your institution is toward full-scale implementation, what more needs to be done, the resources needed to fully scale, and by whom in what timeframe. This template will help guide discussion and planning by the team from your institution that will attend the Momentum Year Summit on February 15-16 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Prior to the Summit, institutional teams should complete the column titled, “How far along are we in implementing this practice to scale?” and draft responses for the remaining columns.