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Supplemental Updates for East Georgia State College - 2024

Observations and Next Steps

We continued the student success strategies that we initiated in 2023 and hope that these strategies will lead to an additional increase in student success and a further reduction in the performance gap. These strategies include the adoption of the inclusive access model for textbook, update of the CATS 1101 course, and the work from the student success coaches for both academic support and advising. While only limited data are available, the Bobcat Summer Leadership Program that was started during the summer 2024 shows great promises. The program is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to build a strong academic foundation to ease the transition from high school to college. In addition to taking courses for credit toward their degree, the student will connect with support services and engage in a range of leadership development activities.

We believe that none of the student success strategies are ineffective. We still have no data or limited data to show the effectiveness of several strategies because they were initiated recently. For example, the student success team strategy was only implemented to all students at the beginning of August 2024.

The improvement of the first-year completion rate of the Mathematics and Quantitative Skills areas and the Communicating in Writing areas of the core IMPACTS, and reduction in the performance gap are the two main priorities for 2025. For the Mathematics and Quantitative Skills areas and the Communicating in Writing areas, Faculty are working with the newly hire Chair of the Department of Mathematics and Sciences and English Curriculum Coordinator to restructure the math and English freshman courses. Finally East Georgia State College was selected for 2024 Student Success Equity Intensive Program Cohort organized by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. Participating SSEI schools are required to assemble a team of campus leaders that includes presidents, provosts, and student success and data experts. During this team-learning experience, EGSC will receive customized support to help make data-driven decisions that center the realities of Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and low-income students. Throughout the program, members become better equipped to tackle the barriers these students face, so they no longer stand in the way of academic achievement.

Finally, we are working to integrate our top five strategies for success as a part of ASPIRE with our Momentum/CCG plan:

  • ASPIRE strategies #1 - Freshmen successfully completing 30 hours within first academic year. Several Momentum strategies are aligned with this strategy: Student Success Coaches, Academic Advisement, Student Success Team, and Bobcat Summer Leadership Program.
  • ASPIRE strategies #2 - Freshmen completing initial Writing/Math courses within the first academic year. The Momentum activities Improve the first-year completion rate of the Mathematics and Quantitative Skills areas and the Communicating in Writing areas of the core IMPACTS and Bobcat Summer Leadership Program are directly related to this ASPIRE strategy.
  • ASPIRE strategies #3 - Student success rates. The following Momentum activities align with this strategy: Student Success Team, Student Success Coaches, and the update of the CATS 1101 course.
  • ASPIRE strategies #4 - Equity gap in student success rates. Student Learning Communities, Inclusive Access for Digital Content used as Textbook, and the new work with the SCU Student Success Equity Intensive program aligned with this strategy.