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Improve the first-year completion rate of the Mathematics and Quantitative Skills areas and the Communicating in Writing areas of the core IMPACTS (East Georgia State College-2024)

EGSC is seeking to improve the rate at which students complete the English composition series and required math course within their first 30 hours of coursework. We understand that failure to complete these vital and foundational courses in the early portion of a student’s education journey can hinder the student by blocking courses that need the prerequisite and by limiting the number of choices a student has available to choose from during each successive registration period.

Building a relationship-rich culture to support faculty-student mentoring. (Augusta University-2024)

Augusta University has a robust, multi-year plan to promote student retention and graduation utilizing the Four-to-Finish principles of Mindset, Purpose, Pathways and Engagement. Over the previous years, AU has implemented new strategies to support enrollment growth, and most recently created holistic student support structures organized by meta-majors.

First-Year Seminar (FYS): GGC 1000 (Georgia Gwinnett College-2023)

The First-Year Seminar (FYS), GGC 1000, is a 1-credit course that aims to support and increase the academic and personal success of GGC’s first-year students. This class covers subjects such as campus resources, study skills, time management, growth mindset, and major and career exploration. For students with 30 or fewer credits, it counts towards degree requirements and can substitute for one physical education activity course.

Advising Program Plans (University of Georgia-2023)

UGA is creating holistic “maps” for all programs of study. They will touch on almost every component of the USG Momentum approach by providing students with a holistic, longitudinal view of their chosen major. Each map will address attainable, appropriate action items across all aspects of the college experience: academics, experiential learning, community engagement, global competencies, wellbeing, and career preparation. Charting a course through these milestones will deepen the purposeful choice process and outline clear pathways through a major toward graduation.

Davis Jenkins

Davis Jenkins is a senior research scholar at the Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College. He works with colleges and states across the country to find ways to improve educational and employment outcomes for students, particularly students of color and those from low-income families.

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