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Transition to College

Freshmen Learning Communities (University College) (Albany State University-2024)

The Learning Communities (LCs) in which two or more courses are linked thematically with collaborative instruction and co-curricular activities. These courses, and their faculty, focus on core areas as well as areas of academic performance, retention, student mindset, and degree progression. LCs at ASU will provide an easier platform of transition to ASU students while providing a supportive network of peers, mentors, professors, success services, and more.

Nikolas Huot

Prior to joining Complete College America, Nikolas worked as the Associate Director for First-Year and Transition Programs with the Office of Student Success at Georgia State University. In this role, he coordinated, assessed, and scaled all success and retention initiatives for incoming first-year students at the bachelor’s and associate’s degrees, including learning communities, summer bridge, peer mentors, first-year seminar, assessment, and first-generation students.

Anthony Wise

Wise has been president of Pellissippi State Community College since 2011, overseeing the College’s participation in KnoxAchieves, tnAchieves and now Tennessee Promise. He welcomed President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and Dr. Jill Biden to campus in January 2015 for the unveiling of America’s College Promise. Wise’s tenure has been marked by his devotion to students, and for good reason. From 2007 to 2011, he served as vice president of the College’s Learning Division, after three years as the department head of Liberal Arts and nine teaching history.


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