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Math Pathways

New Student Initiatives (Kennesaw State University-2024)

To combat lower graduation rates, KSU will focus on four initiatives aimed at supporting new students.

  1. The President’s Focused Learner Program

The President’s Focused Learner Program (PFL) is a KSU initiative seeking to assist incoming students at risk of “Murky Middle” GPAs with their ability to navigate the academic and personal well-being factors often necessary for a student’s academic success. The PFL Program spans all majors at KSU.

Companion Course and Academic Support for Pre-Calculus (Georgia Institute of Technology-2024)

Students enrolled in precalculus (MATH 1113) have been identified as a high-priority population at Georgia Tech as the course is a gateway to successfully progressing into and completing a STEM degree. While student athletes were typically the majority of our precalculus enrollment, as the Georgia Tech strategically expands access to student groups historically underrepresented in higher education, MATH 1113 enrollment is steadily rising (161.4% increase from Fall 2018 to Fall 2022).

New Student Initiatives (Kennesaw State University-2023)

To combat lower graduation rates, KSU will focus on four initiatives aimed at supporting new students:

  1. The President’s Focused Learner Program

The President’s Focused Learner Program (PFL) is a KSU initiative seeking to assist incoming students at risk of “Murky Middle” GPAs with their ability to navigate the academic and personal well-being factors often necessary for a student’s academic success. The PFL Program spans all majors at KSU.

Amy Getz

Amy’s work focuses on modernizing entry-level college mathematics programs through working with state and regional systems to implement the Dana Center Mathematics Pathways (formerly the New Mathways Project). She leads a team that develops tools and services to support local leaders and works with external organizations to coordinate and mobilize efforts to support mathematics pathways. Amy also works with peer organizations to establish collaborations in support of mathematics pathways. She led the development of the Quantway™ curriculum in partnership with the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching.

Bruce Vandal

Bruce Vandal, Senior Vice President for Implementation at Complete College America, directs the corequisite remedial education reform strategy and provides key policy leadership on CCA’s completion agenda. Bruce directs several projects related to corequisite remedial education reform and math pathways. Among them is the Scaling Corequisite Initiative funded by the Lumina Foundation and the Michael and Susan Dell Foundation that is working with 15 states on efforts to scale corequisite support for the vast majority of students who would otherwise be enrolled in traditional remediation.

Nathan Klingbeil

Dr. Nathan Klingbeil is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Wright State University (Dayton, OH).  He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 1998.  Prior to joining the Wright State faculty, he worked as a Materials Research Engineer at the Air Force Research Laboratory, Materials and Manufacturing Directorate. Dr.

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