Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) is one of two access institutions in the Atlanta metropolitan region. The GGC mission states that the College “provides access to targeted baccalaureate and associate level degrees that meet the economic development needs of the growing and diverse population of the northeast Atlanta metropolitan region.” Founded in 2005, Georgia Gwinnett College (GGC) operates according to a clear strategic plan derived from its mission.
From GGC’s Strategic Plan (2023-2025):
Georgia Gwinnett College now offers 20+ bachelor’s degree programs with 60+ programs of study. Its students have scored it among the nation’s top colleges in several areas of student engagement, a critical predictor of student success. According to annual USG economic impact studies in 2023, GGC has generated more than $5.3 billion in cumulative economic impact to the economy of Gwinnett County and the Atlanta metropolitan area and created more than 3,700 jobs. More than 11,000 alumni now serve as contributing citizens to their communities in Georgia and beyond.
GGC’s student headcount in Fall 2020 was 11,627; in Fall 2021, 10,949; in Fall 2022, 11,030, in Fall 2023, 11,918, and in Fall 2024, GGC’s headcount is at 12,245 for an increase of 2.7% overall over the prior year (there is a 1.2% increase in FTE over Fall 2023). Of the total Fall 2023 student enrollment, 7017 (59%) are women, and 3681 (31%) are 23 years or older. In addition to U.S origin, the student body represents over 100 other countries or regions. Nighty eight percent (98%) of the students enrolling at GGC in fall 2023 are from Georgia, with the remainder coming from 30 other states. Among those students from Georgia, 75% are from Gwinnett County. Of the total student headcount, 65% are enrolled full-time, taking at least 12 credit hours, with the remaining 35% enrolled part-time.
A review of other key demographic characteristics of the Fall 2023 GGC student population shows a preponderance of those who are traditionally underserved and likely to benefit from essential support structures. The mean high school GPA of GGC’s cohort of first-time entering students has had a consistent academic profile with a mean high school GPA of between 2.71 and 3.03, with 25% of first-year students requiring corequisite learning support in at least one core subject (Math or English) in Fall 2023. In fact, transactional course enrollment data indicate 12% of the Fall 2023 first-year students were enrolled in a corequisite English course, and 18% were enrolled in a corequisite math course. To support the success of GGC’s students from onboarding to graduation, the college has adopted the five priority success strategies below:
GGC’s 2024 ASPIRE Priority Strategies for Success:
- Learning Communities
- First-Year Learning Communities
- Living-Learning Communities
- Summer Programming and Onboarding
- Early Semester Success
- Experiential Learning
- Success Networks