Implement alternative delivery models, such as online and hybrid instruction, flipped classrooms, and emporium model instruction
Expand completely online opportunities. Expanding online opportunities offers students more flexibility and often enables them to enroll in an increased number of credit hours, as it eliminates the need to schedule time on campus.
Joined eCore in 2011; approved to be a collaborative partner with Valdosta State University in USG’s first eMajor program in 2013; offering a concentration in the eMajor BS in Organizational Leadership program in Health Care Administration; Center for Academic Excellence and Library providing ongoing workshops and presentations about online instructional methods; Office of Distance Learning established format, guidelines and quality control process for online instruction; working with other institutions on additional eMajor programs, two of which we are providing leadership (Health Information and Criminal Justice); hired Instructional Technologist in Summer 2015
Enroll students in need of remediation in gateway collegiate courses in math with corequisite learning support
Hiring of a Coordinator for Dual Enrollment; outreach to local high schools; annual conference for high school counselors; DSC faculty visiting high school classes; high school classes visiting DSC; certifying high school teachers to teach courses at their own schools; DSC faculty teaching courses at local high schools; assist students with admissions and financial aid applications.
Use predictive analytics to help identify students who are off track.
Requested and received funding from USG to join the Education Advisory Board’s in FY15; conducted pilot in Summer 2014; began intensive training of faculty and full implementation in Spring 2015; working continuously with EAB/SSC to improve success markers, platform functionality, and implementation.
Surveying of students in Fall 2015 about satisfaction with and perceptions of advising at DSC.
Target increases in degree completion for underserved populations and Increase degree completion in STEM fields