Congratulations! You have been selected to lead a faculty learning community on your campus! But now what? What does that mean? How do I find participants? What do we do during our meetings? What is it like to lead a virtual FLC?
This year the USG is developing a brief professional development program to help faculty support the development of growth mindsets among their students.
This information session provides background and details on Regents Advisory Committees, expectations, and best practices for conducting their work.
This session/workshop will present faculty and faculty developers with concepts, skills, and strategies to humanize the online learning environment, from overarching approaches to targeted, micro-level approaches. Participants will be able to recall key concepts and be provided opportunities to discuss how they might use strategies in their courses to humanize and personalize learning experiences.
Jesse Bishop, Georgia Highlands College
Please join us on October 11 at the Hatcher Professional Sciences Center on the Campus of Middle Georgia State University for this workshop to support the development of corequisite Learning Support for the Statistics Pathway.
Our October 11 Kickoff meeting at Middle Georgia State University will give institutions the opportunity to dig into the work around corequisite support for Elementary Statistics and begin as a community to shape both the course and learning strategies.
Focused on Transition to College, the 2019 Advising Academy convenes campus leaders in advising, enrollment management, and orientation and transition to discuss progress, practices and challenges in supporting students as they transition to college.
As a follow up to the discussion of first year seminars at the Momentum Summit, institutions from across the System indicated an interest in exploring this aspect of the transition to college more fully. The USG is inviting institutions to send teams to a System Workshop on the First Year Seminar at the Georgia Tech Conference Center on Monday, May 13, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
This workshop is being developed as an opportunity to learn more about best and promising practices with these courses and share experiences and challenges with peers from across the state.