Participants of the USG Momentum Summit are invited to take a tour of the new UGA locker room and recruiting center at the West End of Sanford Stadium. Please sign up to join us for this rare opportunity. (Tour is offered on both Monday (before the Summit) and Tuesday - This registration is for Monday evening).
The 2019 Fall Corequisite Academy will take place on November 11 from 10 am to 4 pm at the Hatcher Professional Sciences Center on the Campus of Middle Georgia State University in Macon. The Academy will provide an opportunity for institutional teams to continue to learn from one another on the pedagogies, structure, supports, and practices that support excellence in corequisite Learning Support. The Academy will include general sessions in the morning and English and mathematics tracks in the afternoon to address subject-matter specific challenges.
Please join us on October 11 at the Hatcher Professional Sciences Center on the Campus of Middle Georgia State University for this workshop to support the development of corequisite Learning Support for the Statistics Pathway.
Focused on Transition to College, the 2019 Advising Academy convenes campus leaders in advising, enrollment management, and orientation and transition to discuss progress, practices and challenges in supporting students as they transition to college.
The University System of Georgia invites teams of five from your campus High Impact Practices leadership team to attend the 2019 Equity HIPs meeting of Vanguard Institutions on Wednesday September 18, 2019 from 9:00 - 4:30 pm in the 7th floor boardroom of the University System of Georgia at the Trinity-Washington Building, 270 Washington Street SW, Atlanta, GA, 30334.
As a follow up to the discussion of first year seminars at the Momentum Summit, institutions from across the System indicated an interest in exploring this aspect of the transition to college more fully. The USG is inviting institutions to send teams to a System Workshop on the First Year Seminar at the Georgia Tech Conference Center on Monday, May 13, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm.
The 2019 Mindset Summit will be held on Friday, April 26, at the Jekyll Island Convention Center (map) from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. The Summit will provide an opportunity to review what we have learned about students' in the USG and begin to investigate next steps in developing activities to support students productive academic mindsets.
For Spring 2019, the University System of Georgia is hosting Spring Corequisite Academies in two regional sites to facilitate broader faculty participation and reduce the distance teams will need to travel to participate. Both Academies will feature similar programming and opportunities for interaction with peers. Participants are welcome to participate in either (or both) academies, but total participation is capped at 75 for each academy and you are encouraged to choose the location closest to you.
For Spring 2019, the University System of Georgia is hosting Spring Corequisite Academies in two regional sites to facilitate broader faculty participation and reduce the distance teams will need to travel to participate. Both Academies will feature similar programming and opportunities for interaction with peers. Participants are welcome to participate in either (or both) academies, but total participation is capped at 75 for each academy and you are encouraged to choose the location closest to you.
Momentum Year is a suite of strategies designed to help University System of Georgia students in their crucial first year of college. We work with students to guide them on a path to achieve their educational goals, including successful degree completion and on-time graduation.
Following on last Fall’s two-day Learning Support Academy, the 2018 Spring Learning Support Academy, held at Clayton State University’s Student Activities Center on Friday, March 23, will continue the sharing of experiences and proven practices with corequisite remediation among faculty and staff across the system. Institutional teams are invited to come together to investigate the pedagogies, technology, academic support, advising, high impact practices and logistics of corequisite delivery. The Academy will include general sessions in the morning and English and mathematics tracks in the afternoon to address subject-matter specific challenges.
For several months, the Office of Academic Affairs and Policy has worked to convene faculty and staff from across all USG institutions to introduce the Momentum Year and initiate a statewide discussion about student success in the first academic year. From these initial conversations, the University System of Georgia will work with institution leadership during spring 2018 to implement strategies that support all incoming students to:
The Complete College Georgia Advising Academy is the first of a series of discussions with faculty and staff focusing on the connection of large-scale initiatives across the system to promote student success in the first academic year. The theme of the conference series is Momentum Year--a starting point that helps students find their path, get on that path, and build velocity in the direction of their goals as they begin their college career. These first-year elements include: