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Improve the first-year completion rate of the Mathematics and Quantitative Skills areas and the Communicating in Writing areas of the core IMPACTS (East Georgia State College-2024)

EGSC is seeking to improve the rate at which students complete the English composition series and required math course within their first 30 hours of coursework. We understand that failure to complete these vital and foundational courses in the early portion of a student’s education journey can hinder the student by blocking courses that need the prerequisite and by limiting the number of choices a student has available to choose from during each successive registration period.

Equitable Access for Student Course Materials (College of Coastal Georgia-2024)

Research the possibilities of instituting inclusive textbook access – the idea that students would receive all digital course materials at a discounted rate, directly billed as part of their tuition. This model supports student academic success and retention efforts by ensuring every student is prepared on or before the first day of class.

An alternative presented by our textbook provider is branded as “equitable” access – the idea that students could pay a flat rate each semester for all course materials, print or digital.

Increase Student Retention (Atlanta Metropolitan State College-2024)

AMSC will implement pre, real-time, and post semester strategies to improve student retention.  Retention strategies will be targeted based on student type, age group (traditional vs. adult learners), gender, first generation, and enrollment status (full-time vs. part-time).  Hanover Research has completed a study to identify factors that impact student retention at AMSC.

Overcoming Process Barriers to Student Completion (Atlanta Metropolitan State College-2024)

This project involves process mapping to identify and remove process barriers that prohibit students from graduating within 150% of expected time to completion.  Complete College America (CCA) will conduct a process mapping analysis of AMSC’s admissions and retention processes. Based on the outcomes of this analysis, AMSC will address CCA recommendations for process improvements and monitor the impact on student progression and completion.


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