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Early Semester Success (ASPIRE Strategy 3) (Georgia Gwinnett College-2024)

The early alert initiative is a collaborative effort between Advising Programs and the Academic Schools that aims to identify and support students who might be experiencing challenges that could impact their academic success. This effort includes proactive monitoring, timely interventions, and personalized support early in the semester to enhance student success and retention. Currently, GGC utilizes the Progress Report Campaign feature in Navigate 360 for early alert.

Living-Learning Communities (ASPIRE Strategy 1b) (Georgia Gwinnett College-2024)

Through a US Department of Education grant, GGC launched a STEM Living Learning Community (LLC) specifically for Informational Technology (IT) and Health Science (HS) programs that offers competitive housing awards and academic and career readiness support for two cohorts of 16 students pursuing these degrees each year.  Our LLC program builds on GGC’s record of successfully preparing STEM students by providing intensive academic support, proactive advising, career planning, and high impact practices such as undergraduate research opportunities.

First-Year Learning Communities (ASPIRE Strategy 1a) (Georgia Gwinnett College-2024)

Learning Communities are a high-impact practice that help students establish relationships while learning in three linked classes that are relevant to their meta-major/academic focus area: Business (BUSI); Education (EDUC); Health Professions (HEPR); Humanities and Arts (HUAR); Information Technology (ITEC); Social Sciences (SOSC); or Science, Technology and Math (STEM). We aim to scale first-year LCs so all new full-time first-year students enroll in an LC by an opt-out approach.

Student Success Team (East Georgia State College-2024)

The team-based student success model, which has been successfully piloted with campus athletic teams, is now being rolled out across all campus locations. The objective is to provide a comprehensive support system for all students. By leveraging the expertise of student success coaches, faculty mentors, faculty athletic associates, and other staff members, students will receive customized guidance to address their academic, career, and personal needs. This initiative is anticipated to enhance the overall college experience and significantly improve student retention rates.

Inclusive Access for Digital Content used as Textbook (East Georgia State College-2024)

We would like to set up inclusive access for all the digital content used as textbook for all sections that require the purchase of a textbook. Inclusive Access is a sales model for college textbooks. Inclusive access allows for the digital content to be delivered to students by the first day of class. Students have a period to “opt out” before they are billed through their tuition and fees. In addition to saving money on the price of the digital content, inclusive access was shown to increase student success in classes and retention.

Quality Enhancement Plan, 2023-2028 (Dalton State College-2024)

The Quality Enhancement Plan seeks continuous improvement relative to two Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will demonstrate knowledge and skills that develop their academic perseverance.
  2. Students will describe an enhanced sense of belonging within the College.

Interventions are planned and implemented in Perspectives (our first-year seminar), Advising, Campus Resources, and Engagement (PACE).


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