The mission of Dalton State College is to provide a diverse student population with opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to attain affordable baccalaureate degrees, associate degrees and certificates and to reach their personal and professional goals. Through challenging academics and rich collegiate experiences, the College promotes lifelong learning, active leadership and positive contributions in Northwest Georgia and beyond.
In pursuit of that goal, Dalton State offers targeted four-year and two-year degrees and career certificate programs, along with a wide variety of activities that engage students in local community businesses and industries. Each of the College’s four schools (the School of Arts and Sciences, the Wright School of Business, the School of Education, and the School of Health Professions) forges important partnerships to inspire students to be active members within their professions and communities.
Dalton State is Georgia’s first Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI) and is currently only one of two such institutions in the state. When Dalton State achieved HSI designation in 2018, Hispanic/Latinx students comprised 29.2% (1,496) of the student population. That percentage has grown steadily since; by Fall 2023, Hispanic/Latinx students made up 37.3% (1,829) of the student population, and by Fall 2024, that had increased to 38.2% (1,966). In terms of other ethnicities, the percentage of white students decreased from Fall 2023 to Fall 2024. In Fall 2023, white students comprised 52.6% (2,580) of the student population, whereas in Fall 2024, white students made up 50.5% (2,595). On the other hand, the African American, multiracial, Asian, and undisclosed student populations saw very slight percentage increases from Fall 2023 to Fall 2024. The African American population increased from 4.0% (198) in Fall 2023 to 4.2% (218) in Fall 2024. The percentage of students identifying as multiracial increased from 2% (97) in Fall 2023 to 2.2% (114) in Fall 2024. The Asian student population increased from 1.9% (94) in Fall 2023 to 2.2% (111) in Fall 2024, and the percentage of students who chose not to disclose increased from 1.85% (91) in Fall 2023 to 2.3% (116) in Fall 2024. Remaining relatively static in both Fall 2023 and Fall 2024 were the percentages of American Indian/Alaska Native and Hawaiian/Pacific Island students. The American Indian/Alaska Native student population in both Fall semesters was 0.3% (14 in Fall 2023; 16 in Fall 2024), and the Hawaiian/Pacific Islander population was 0.1% (5 in Fall 2023 and 4 in Fall 2024). Most students continue to be Georgia residents—96.3% (4,726) in Fall 2023 and 96.2% (4,945) in Fall 2024. Out-of-state students comprised 2.6% (132) of the student population in Fall 2024, a slight increase from Fall 2023’s 2.5% (123), while the percentage of out of country students remained the same at 1.2% (59 in Fall 2023 and 63 in Fall 2024).
Overall, Dalton State’s retention saw an impressive increase, resulting in the University System of Georgia recognizing Dalton State as achieving the highest retention rate in the state college sector. In Fall 2022, Dalton State’s retention rate was 57.9%; in Fall 2023, it increased to 67.6%. The Hispanic/Latinx retention rate alone increased from 65.7% in Fall 2022 to 70.0% in Fall 2023. White retention also increased from 51.3% in Fall 2022 to 66.2% in Fall 2023, and the African American retention rate increased from 50.0% in Fall 2022 to 56.1% in Fall 2023. The rate for multiracial increased during the same period, from 65.2% in Fall 2022 to 70.4 in Fall 2023.
As of Fall 2024, Dalton State’s student body was 63.8% (3,278) female and 36.2% (1,862) male. This is slight difference from Fall 2023, which recorded a student population that was 62.1% (3,048) female and 37.9% male (1,860).
Dalton State students also tend to be between the ages of 18 and 24, with the average age being 22 (Fall 2023 and Fall 2024). In Fall 2024, 72.5% (3,728) of students were of that age group, which is slightly less than Fall 2023’s 73.5% (3,607). The percentage of students aged 25 and older comprised also saw a very small decrease from Fall 2023 to Fall 2024, with those students making up 16.4% (805) of the population in Fall 2023 and 15.7% (809) in Fall 2024.
However, the percentage of students under the age of 18 in Fall 2024, which was 11.7% (603), saw an increase from the previous year when the percentage was 10.1% (496).
Fifty-five Dalton State students, or 1.1%, were members of the military or were veterans in Fall 2023, and 87, or 1.7%, were in Fall 2024. Ninety-five, or 1.9%, were student athletes in Fall 2023, whereas 102, or 2%, were athletes the next Fall.
The percentage of students seeking Bachelor’s Degrees declined from Fall 2022 (62.4%; 2,829) to Fall 2023 (57.4%; 2,815), and it declined again in Fall 2024 (53.2%; 2,735). However, the percentage of Dalton State students seeking Associate’s Degrees increased over the past several years—from 30.4% in Fall 2022 (1,382) to 31.7% (1,558) in Fall 2023 to 34.4% (1,769) in Fall 2024. The percentage of undeclared students also increased over the past three Fall semesters. In Fall 2022, the percentage was 6.0% (267); in Fall 2023, it was 9.8% (482); and in Fall 2024, it was 11.3% (582). Career certificate students saw little change, however, comprising 1.1% of the student population in both Fall 2023 (52) and Fall 2024 (54) compared to Fall 2022’s 1.0% (47).
In terms of overall enrollment, Dalton State has experienced an increase over the past couple of years. In both Fall 2021 and Fall 2022, enrollment was 4,535 students. In Fall 2023, enrollment increased to 4,908, and in Fall 2024, enrollment was 5,140. This is an 4.7% increase from Fall 2023 to Fall 2024.
Likewise, full-time equivalent enrollment (FTE) has increased. FTE in Fall 2022 was 3,879; in Fall 2023 it was 4,090; and in Fall 2024 it was 4,299. This represents a 5.1% increase from Fall 2023 to Fall 2024. The percentage of full-time students, however, has decreased, from 61% (2,767) in Fall 2022 to 55.9% (2,745) in Fall 2023. Part-time enrollment (less than 12 credit hours) has also decreased in terms of percentage, though not in terms of raw numbers. In Fall 2022, part-time students made up 39% (1,767) of the student population, while in Fall 2023 it was 44.1% (2,163) and in Fall 2024 it was 42.7% (2,194).
Dalton State’s first-generation students consistently make up about half of the overall student population. In Fall 2021, the first-generation population was 49.8% (2,258) of students; in Fall 2022 it was 51.6% (2,338). In Fall 2023, Dalton State’s first-generation students were 50.4% (2,474). Accurate data for Fall 2024 is not yet available. The percentage of Pell Grant recipients was slightly more than half in Fall 2023 and Fall 2024, at 53.0% (2,603) and 53.7% (2,759), respectively, which is approximately three-to-four percent higher than in Fall 2021 (49.7%; 2,253) and Fall 2022 (49.9%; 2,262).
Dalton State’s Momentum priorities are influenced by our mission to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to attain a degree or certificate. To that end, Dalton State has incorporated StudentLingo in the first-year seminar course, called Perspectives (PRSP). StudentLingo offers a series of online student success workshops designed to assist students in the areas of academic achievement, career goal exploration, and personal wellness. Each workshop contains personalized lesson/action plans and additional resources to assist with student success. For Fall 2024, we recruited faculty to incorporate StudentLingo into other courses as well. The criminal justice program was particularly receptive, with their faculty adding StudentLingo workshops to two 2000-level courses (CRJU 2300: Crime and Justice Studies and CRJU 2100: Intro to Law Enforcement), three 3000-level courses (CRJU 3700: Research Methods in Criminal Justice, CRJU 3400: Juvenile Delinquency and Justice, and CRJU 3100: Ethical Issues in CRJU), and one 4000-level course (CRJU 4700: Ethical Issues in CRJU). Students in HIST 3000: The Study of History and numerous sections of POLS 1101: American Government were also required to complete StudentLingo workshops this Fall semester. Faculty will assess the results of the completed modules at the conclusion of this semester, but we believe including such workshops in our courses, particularly those at the beginning of students’ academic careers through PRSP, will aid in students’ overall success.
The first-year seminar course, Perspectives (PRSP), is itself a priority for Dalton State. PRSP is a key component of Dalton State’s Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), which was introduced in the 2022-2023 academic year. Since Fall 2022, all AA, AS, and bachelor’s-seeking students entering with fewer than 30 hours have been enrolled in PRSP. All PRSP students participate in similar interventions, including advising and experiential learning, and rich collegiate experiences. One way we have implemented this is through the addition to all PRSP courses of a common presentation and lab component pertaining to engagement/service-learning, accompanied by a corresponding reflection assignment assessed using a modified AAC&U Lifelong Learning VALUE Rubric. Another example is Dalton State’s inaugural New Student Convocation, called “First Chime,” which occurred the day before classes started in August 2024. First Chime welcomed 1,200 new first-year, transfer, and dual enrollment students to our campus. These students met with their PRSP faculty and classmates, after which they enjoyed various activities, including live music, food trucks, and a merchandise tent. The evening culminated with the lighting of the James A. Burran Bell Tower and a fireworks display. Dalton State’s PRSP course and attendant activities, like First Chime, align with Dalton State’s mission of providing opportunities to acquire knowledge and skills, while providing challenging academics and rich collegiate experiences that lead students to achieve their degrees and personal and professional goals.
In addition to PRSP, Dalton State is engaging in another persistence and retention initiative known as the Roadrunner Scholars Program. This is Dalton State’s summer bridge program, which was piloted in Summer 2024. This 6-week residential and immersive program is designed for students with a high school GPA below 3.0 and who require learning support classes. Such students are invited to apply, and those accepted live on campus and complete both MATH 0998: Learning Support Math and ENGL 0999: Learning Support English, as well as ENGL 1101: English Composition and MATH 1101: Introduction to Mathematical Modeling. Scholars are also provided tutoring assistance, peer education, development opportunities, and social activities. All aspects of the program are provided at no cost through scholarships offered by the Dalton State Foundation. At the conclusion of the 2024 program, 11 of 15 students successfully passed both Math courses and 15 of 17 students successfully passed both English courses. There are plans to expand the program in Summer 2025 to include up to 36 scholars and to incorporate the first-year seminar, Perspectives (PRSP) into the program.
Another key priority for Dalton State is our Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). The Center is very focused on faculty development, encouraging faculty to develop challenging academics and rich collegiate experiences for their students as per the College’s mission. As part of this effort, CETL hosts the Roadrunner New Faculty Academy, a year-long program for new full-time faculty regardless of previous teaching experience. Participants gather monthly to discuss evidence-based teaching strategies and techniques. We currently have 11 faculty from across all four of our schools participating. While our March plan indicated that we would add a community introduction aspect to the faculty academy, that element has been put on hold as the director is presently in interim status.
Additionally, CETL has six Faculty Fellows from across our four academic schools leading initiatives in the following areas: Inclusive Excellence, Culture & Belonging, Mental Wellbeing, Teaching Resources, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), and the Future of Higher Education. Four of the Fellows are currently leading learning communities, one is working on updating the CETL LibGuide and curating additional teaching and learning resources, and the last is leading our culture and belonging work.
Our culture and belonging work is another way in which CETL provides students with rich collegiate experiences that support persistence and retention. Our Culture & Belonging Project is being led by a CETL Fellow and the Impact of Culture on Teaching & Learning Committee. They are working to identify and describe barriers to success facing students and to seek development opportunities around these. In addition, the project is also gathering stories of students who were changed in one way or another by the connections they made with our faculty and/or staff that can be shared publicly. Another way in which we are encouraging persistence and retention through belonging is by piloting a Relentless Welcome this academic year. Dalton State’s Relentless Welcome was introduced to faculty at the August campus assembly, and an email was sent about a week later with a call to participate. Currently, 57 faculty and staff are participating.
Dalton State is also in the initiating phase of two new projects: Common Course Components in GeorgiaView (D2L) and Support for English-language Learners in ENGL 1101. For the former, Dalton State is researching the ways faculty employ GeorgiaView as well as the ways students view their experience using it in their face-to-face, hybrid, and online classes to determine the usefulness and feasibility of creating a common course experience for students in the learning management system. The other project is related to English-language learners in ENGL 1101. This project involves researching the number of students struggling to write in English (versus their primary language) in ENGL 1101. It is also seeking to identify specific language barriers and resources barriers. The hope is to identify specific resources already in place as well as possible new resources for students and for faculty professional development that can aid English-language learners as well as all students struggling in ENGL 1101. ENGL 1101 is a first-year course and success in this class sets the tone for one’s continued success. Thus, aiding ENGL 1101 students is a priority.
Dalton State has identified fifteen comparator and aspirant institutions, which are used by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to provide comparative data between institutions. The fifteen institutions are:
- College of Coastal Georgia (Brunswick, GA)
- CUNY Medgar Evers College (Brooklyn, NY)
- Georgia Gwinnett College (Lawrenceville, GA)
- Gordon State College (Barnesville, GA)
- Indiana University—Kokomo (Kokomo, IN)
- Lewis-Clark State College (Lewiston, ID)
- Missouri Southern State University (Joplin, MO)
- Nevada State College (Henderson, NV)
- Northwest Florida State College (Niceville, FL)
- Pennsylvania College of Technology (Williamsport, PA)
- Rogers State University (Claremore, OK)
- SUNY College of Technology at Canton (Canton, NY)
- University of Arkansas—Fort Smith (Fort Smith, AR)
- Utah Tech University (St. George, UT)
- West Virginia University at Parkersburg (Parkersburg, WV)
According to the NCES’s Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Data Feedback Report 2023, Dalton State’s full-time undergraduate enrollment (unduplicated headcount) was 2,906 in Fall 2022 while the comparison group’s figure was 2,642. Dalton State’s part-time undergraduate enrollment (unduplicated headcount) was also higher than the comparison group. Part-time undergraduate enrollment was 2,365 in Fall 2022, whereas the comparison’s group was 2,134. These higher numbers for Dalton State may be influenced by the College’s affordable tuition and fees, which IPEDS reported as $3,283 in 2022-2023 compared to the comparison group’s $6,225.
The demographics of Dalton State are consistent with those of an access institution with a significant proportion of first-generation college students. As mentioned, Dalton State’s first-generation population was 50.4% in Fall 2023. Many of the College’s peer and aspirant institutions have first-generation populations over 30.0%, with several at or over 50%. Thirty percent of students at Georgia Gwinnett College, 33% at Missouri Southern State University, and 38% at SUNY College of Technology are first-generation. Over a third of students at Indiana University—Kokomo also identify as first-generation. The Pennsylvania College of Technology reports nearly 47% of its students are first-generation, the University of Arkansas—Fort Smith reports 50%, and Rogers State University and Lewis-Clark State College report more than half.
Dalton State, a proud Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI), has a higher proportion of Hispanic/Latinx students than these peer and aspirant institutions. According to IPEDS, the College’s Hispanic/Latinx population was 35% of the overall student population in Fall 2022. This is considerably greater than the comparison group’s percentage, which was 9%. Dalton State’s white student population, however, was 10% smaller than the comparison group, with Dalton State’s percentage being 54% and the comparison group’s being 64%. Other races/ethnicities at Dalton State were either the same as or a smaller proportion of the comparison group’s student population. Dalton State’s percentage of Asian students, as well as the percentage of those whose race/ethnicity was not known, was the same as the comparison group at 2% each. Likewise, the percentage of students identifying as American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander was the same for Dalton State as for the comparison group at 0%. Dalton State’s African American population was 3% of the student population, which was half of the comparison group’s percentage of 6%. Students of two or more races were 2% at Dalton State, which was also half of the comparison group’s 4%. In terms of gender, Dalton State’s percentage of female students in Fall 2022 (61%) was nearly equal to those in the comparison group (62%).