FVSU is a fully accredited, comprehensive, four-year institution committed to providing strong academic programs, online courses and extracurricular activities to students. The University provides instruction, research, and public and extension services, consistent with its land-grant and public functions, for all segments of the population to achieve their personal, educational, and professional goals.
Provide customized academic support services to students on academic probation and academic warning, as well as those on warning for violating Standard Academic Performance (SAP) requirements. FVSU has developed proactive and intrusive intervention strategies.
Intrusive Financial Aid Advising: Identify and implement initiatives to address financial needs of students from these populations in a timely fashion. All students will receive the financial literacy courses during their first semester at FVSU
FVSU will employ the use of predictive analytics to identify students who are “off track” and to help them understand their likelihood of success in programs and to ensure students who are off track receive timely and targeted advising intervention
FVSU Expanded efforts to identify needs and increase access to FVSU programs and degree completion for adults returning to college, active military, and current student veterans to include creating additional assessment, planning, and intentional programs and services as needed.
The Pre-College Academy is designed to assist in the transition from high school and college. Students formerly rejected for admission to FVSU, but who met the program’s minimum criteria, were invited to attend a five-week, intensive program designed to fortify their skills in reading, writing, and mathematics at Pre-College Academy. Based on their successful completion of this program, they were admitted to the University the following semester.