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Student Learning Communities (East Georgia State College-2024)

Student Learning Communities consist of courses in which a common theme or themes are utilized in order to create opportunities for students to explore these themes in more depth and see how the theme (s) crosses different disciplines. In addition, SLCs encourage a sense of belonging and student engagement since students may share two or more courses together which focus on the same theme

Summer Bridge Program, aka Roadrunner Scholars (Dalton State College-2024)

The Roadrunner Experience is a residential and immersive summer bridge program designed for students requiring learning support math and English.  In this six-week program, students were enrolled in both learning support math and English as well as their credit course counterparts.  Roadrunner Scholars were provided tutoring assistance, peer education, development opportunities, as well as social activities.  All aspects of the program were provided at no cost through scholarships offered by our Dalton State Foundation.  Students were invited to apply for the program based on their high sch

ENDEAVOR (College of Coastal Georgia-2024)

The ENDEAVOR program helps students personalize, internalize, and later articulate their transformation beyond a credential. By awarding ENDEAVOR Tags that celebrate student development and engagement through courses and co-curricular activities, students become more aware of their own growth and are provided with the language to describe the skills they have gained. This language will give them an advantage when entering the workforce, as they will be able to describe their college experience in a way that resonates with employers.

Building a relationship-rich culture to support faculty-student mentoring. (Augusta University-2024)

Augusta University has a robust, multi-year plan to promote student retention and graduation utilizing the Four-to-Finish principles of Mindset, Purpose, Pathways and Engagement. Over the previous years, AU has implemented new strategies to support enrollment growth, and most recently created holistic student support structures organized by meta-majors.

Increase Student Success Rates in Gateway Courses (Atlanta Metropolitan State College-2024)

This project continues to build on Momentum Year activities, improving success rates in gateway courses, particularly targeting ENGL 1101 courses. Various strategies will be employed to improve student success rates, including curriculum redesign, innovative pedagogical strategies, mindset activities.

Summer Success Academy (Albany State University-2024)

The Summer Success Academy is a 6-week residential learning opportunity that provides incoming freshmen with the ability to get a jump start on their ASU experience. Student participants are enrolled in 7-9 hours depending on their cohort. Working closely with expert faculty and supported by a network of peer advisors, learning specialists, and tutors, Academy scholars learn together as a community within and beyond the classroom.


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