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2021 CCG/Momentum Campus Plan Updates Overview

Institutions are asked to update their CCG Campus Plan annually. For the System Office, these reports provide an essential window into the work and priorities of our institutions across the state.  For institutions, it is hoped that the annual review and reporting process provides an opportunity for reflection on their work and refining their goals, objectives, and the paths by which they will get there.  For 2021, the Updates focus on the plans institutions developed as an outcome of the Momentum Summit IV. 

Momentum Summit IV - Internationalizing the Curriculum

Join us to learn more about what it means to Internationalize the curriculum and its benefits. We will cover practical steps towards internationalizing the curriculum, such as World 101, a free curriculum sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations designed to assist professors with infusing international topics into existing classes or frame new courses with global themes. Also, we will explore how International Virtual Exchange brings students and faculty from around the globe into a shared space for inquiry and creation, as well as ways to implement it on your campus.

Momentum Summit IV - Connecting to Careers

Many institutions included connecting to careers as a key aspect of their Momentum Plans at the Summit III. This session will profile the progress that several have made in integrating career connections into the student academic journey and programs, including career counseling, inventories, and career-focused Nexus degrees. It will also provide a potential Systemwide negotiation for Handshake – a tool that helps students connect with employers. and careers.


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