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John Gardner

John is an educator, university professor and administrator, non-profit organization chief executive officer, author, editor, public speaker, consultant, change agent, student retention specialist, first-year, sophomore, transfer, and senior year students’ advocate, and initiator and scholar of the American first-year and senior-year reform movements. He serves as President of the John N. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education (JNGI).

Momentum Year Planning Webinar (video)

Evidence-based research confirms that college students are most successful when they start out their college careers by making a purposeful choice in a focus area or program, enter with a productive academic mindset, and follow clearly sequenced program maps that include nine credits in the student’s academic focus area and 30 credits in their first year.  Put together, these three elements create a momentum year for students—a starting point that helps students find their path, get on that path, and build velocity in the direction of their goals.


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