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2024 Momentum-CCG Campus Plan Updates Overview


Submit your update

Download these instructions 

Download the single activity reporting Section 2 template (MS Word)

Download the multiple activities Section 2 template MS Word)

Submit a resource or presentation proposal for the Momentum Summit VIII

The Momentum/Complete College Georgia Campus Plan Updates provide an opportunity for your institution to reflect on the work you have underway and highlight your completion successes and challenges. Your 2024 Update should build on the Momentum Plan your institution submitted in March 2024. This should streamline the reports and continues our efforts to reduce reporting while improving our understanding of what work is critical on your campus.

Campus Updates should be submitted to the System Office by November 20, 2024.


  • Aligning your work
  • Make it plain

Aligning with your “Top 5 Strategies” & other Priority Work

In your work around Metrics, your institution has identified it’s top five strategies for success as a part of ASPIRE (formerly Academic Forecast). For 2024, we’d like to see this work integrated into your overall Momentum/CCG plan. Many institutions also have considerable student success activity related to their QEP or their engagement with the National Institute for Student Success. Notably, we believe that in most cases there is significant overlap among these activities (and indeed, many institutions make alignment a priority for any work they undertake).

We are encouraging campuses to consider their full catalog of work and identify that high impact, high priority work for inclusion in their Momentum/CCG Updates. This will help us (and possibly your community as well) understand how all of these pieces fit together and function. Some of this work may be relatively new, and thus there may not be much of an update, which is perfectly fine. This may mean that some work you have previously reported on may not be represented in your report as well, and that also is both expected and fine.

Make it Plain

Whether you use the template or your own reporting format, this year we are asking for a brief description of what your strategies are. To help with this, we’ve simplified the template for this year, reducing the overall “items,” with the express request that your description of the strategy, your evaluation plan, and recent activity provide sufficient detail for someone not at your institution to have a sense of what you are doing.

Back for 2024?

Share Your Work at the Momentum Summit!

The 2024 Momentum/CCG Updates are an opportunity to reflect on your work and evaluate your progress, but they are also a way for the System to elevate and advance promising new practices. The System relies on details from the Momentum/CCG Plans and Updates to identify practices and projects that may have application across the state. For 2024, we are asking institutions to identify the work that would like to promote more broadly, specifically at the Momentum Summit VIII. As you draft your updates, we encourage you to submit your most successful, most promising, and highest impact parts of your portfolio for the Summit. A separate submission process is outlined here.


In order to understand your work a bit better, we are asking you to "tag" each activity listed with a category or area of work (more than one is OK, too). A list of tags is provided, but if you feel your activity falls outside this list, feel free to create your own. This will help us catalog activities on campus and further build community around them.

Observations and Next Steps

We are sticking with practice of seeking your reflection on your work. Section 4 asks you to think globally about what you're learning from your work and where you would like to see student success move in the year(s) ahead.

Campus Plan Update Structure

The 2024 Momentum/CCG Updates are updates on your Momentum Plans submitted in April 2024 (which are themselves a continuation of your work from 2023 and previously). Of course, we understand that you have outstanding work across your campus, some of which may not have been included in your Momentum Plan, or may be new with the ASPIRE conversations. You are welcome to amend your submission to include this work as well. We ask that you submit all sections of the update. Some of this material may be drawn from (or identical to) your previous submissions.



The 2024 Momentum/CCG Updates are updates on your Momentum Plans submitted in April 2024. Updates consist of three required sections (Institutional Mission and Student Body Profiles, Student Success Inventory, and Observations and Next Steps) and two optional sections (Additional Activities and Appendices)

Section 1. Institutional Mission and Student Body Profile 

Provide a brief overview of your institutional mission and student body profile.  Please briefly describe enrollment trends, demographics (for example, % Pell grant-eligible, % first-generation college students, % adult learners), and how your institutional mission influences your completion work’s key priorities. In this section, report on your benchmark, aspirational, and competitor institution(s).

Section 2: Your Student Success Inventory

Section 2 of the update revisits the inventory of your high priority/high impact activities on Student Success from your 2023 Momentum Plan. If your plans have changed, please let us know how (and why) here. If you feel this work is now "mature," indicate as much. Mature work is of interest, especially if you are still exploring possibilities within it, but you are also welcome to not report on it going forward. Two template files are provided: one with room for up to 8 activities, and one for a single activity that you can copy multiple times.  We encourage use of the template, but institutions are welcome to report in any manner that is most useful locally.

For 2024, we are asking for a bit more detail on your strategies and activities. Specifically, we ask for a description of your strategies that would help a peer at another institution or staff at the system office understand generally how you are approaching the work. For example, if you are engaging in supplemental instruction, it would be helpful for your description to provide details on the courses, training, staff or student supports, and other details. Think of this as an elevator pitch for the program.

Section 3: Optional Supplemental Updates

If there are elements of your critical Momentum/CCG/student success work that is not detailed above that you wish to provide an update on, please use this section to indicate this.

Section 4. Observations and Next Steps

What strategies and activities have been most successful? What have been least effective? How has your institution made adjustments to your completion activities over the past year? Where would you want to see student success efforts shift in the coming year(s)?

No Limits on Strategies; Reasonable Limits on Length 

You are encouraged to provide as much detail and information as would be appropriate to tell your story. Because of this, we aren’t setting a limit on the length of your update, but if you find your update increasing the length of your update beyond 15 pages, please contact us. You are able to include any data tables you like in appendices, which do not count in that total.

Campus Plan Updates are due to the System Office by November 20. Plan should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file on the web at Appendices (if any) should be submitted as a separate file at the same location.

Questions on your update can be directed to Jonathan Watts Hull at, 404-962-3129.