For 2017, institutions do not need to report on their strategy work in tabular form. Each strategy detailed should include the following sections:
High Impact Strategy
A definition and general description of the strategy or activity as implemented at the institution.
Completion Goal
The area of completion that the strategy is intended to affect. This may be an existing CCG Goal, an institutional goal, or an established area of concern for retention, progression and graduation.
Demonstration of Priority or Impac
Briefly explain how this strategy:
Summary of Activities
Describe the activities conducted in this strategy in the 2016-2017 academic year. Please provide details on the implementation of the strategy and any changes from previous years. This section of the summary should be sufficient to provide context to peer institutions seeking to implement similar strategies.
Measures of Progress and Success
How do you measure your success? Please indicate the data measures by which you are judging the progress of the activity including
Lessons Learned
For the strategy, what needs or challenges to achieving these completion goals have been identified? What steps or programs has your campus taken to address the identified challenges?
Primary point of contact
For each strategy, provide the contact information for the person on campus who has primary responsibility for implementation